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1 Samuel Chapters

1 Samuel 26 Verses

MRV : 1 जीफचे रहिवासी गिबा येथे शौलला भेटायला गेले. त्याला ते म्हणाले, “यशीमोन जवळच्या हकीला होंगरात दावीद लपून बसलेला आहे.”
KJV : And the Ziphites came unto Saul to Gibeah, saying, Doth not David hide himself in the hill of Hachilah, [which is] before Jeshimon?
YLT : And the Ziphites come in unto Saul, at Gibeah, saying, `Is not David hiding himself in the height of Hachilah, on the front of the desert?`
RV : And the Ziphites came unto Saul to Gibeah, saying, Doth not David hide himself in the hill of Hachilah, which is before the desert?
RSV : Then the Ziphites came to Saul at Gibeah, saying, "Is not David hiding himself on the hill of Hachilah, which is on the east of Jeshimon?"
ASV : And the Ziphites came unto Saul to Gibeah, saying, Doth not David hide himself in the hill of Hachilah, which is before the desert?
ESV : Then the Ziphites came to Saul at Gibeah, saying, "Is not David hiding himself on the hill of Hachilah, which is on the east of Jeshimon?"
ERVEN : The people of Ziph went to see Saul at Gibeah and said to him, "David is hiding on Hakilah Hill, across from Jeshimon."
MRV : शौल जीफच्या वाळवंटात गेला. त्याच्याबरोबर तेव्हा इस्राएलचे निवडक तीन हजाराचे सैन्य होते. दावीदचा त्या सर्वांनी जीफच्या वाळवंटात शोध घेतला.
KJV : Then Saul arose, and went down to the wilderness of Ziph, having three thousand chosen men of Israel with him, to seek David in the wilderness of Ziph.
YLT : And Saul riseth, and goeth down unto the wilderness of Ziph, and with him three thousand men, chosen ones of Israel, to seek David in the wilderness of Ziph.
RV : Then Saul arose, and went down to the wilderness of Ziph, having three thousand chosen men of Israel with him, to seek David in the wilderness of Ziph.
RSV : So Saul arose and went down to the wilderness of Ziph, with three thousand chosen men of Israel, to seek David in the wilderness of Ziph.
ASV : Then Saul arose, and went down to the wilderness of Ziph, having three thousand chosen men of Israel with him, to seek David in the wilderness of Ziph.
ESV : So Saul arose and went down to the wilderness of Ziph with three thousand chosen men of Israel to seek David in the wilderness of Ziph.
ERVEN : Saul gathered 3000 of the best soldiers in Israel and went down to the desert of Ziph to search for David in the desert of Ziph.
MRV : यशीमोन समोरच्या मार्गावर हकीला डोंगरावरच शौलने तळ ठोकला.दावीद वाळवंटातच होता. त्याला शौलच्या या पाठलागाचे वृत्त समजले.
KJV : And Saul pitched in the hill of Hachilah, which [is] before Jeshimon, by the way. But David abode in the wilderness, and he saw that Saul came after him into the wilderness.
YLT : And Saul encampeth in the height of Hachilah, which [is] on the front of the desert, by the way, and David is abiding in the wilderness, and he seeth that Saul hath come after him in to the wilderness;
RV : And Saul pitched in the hill of Hachilah, which is before the desert, by the way. But David abode in the wilderness, and he saw that Saul came after him into the wilderness.
RSV : And Saul encamped on the hill of Hachilah, which is beside the road on the east of Jeshimon. But David remained in the wilderness; and when he saw that Saul came after him into the wilderness,
ASV : And Saul encamped in the hill of Hachilah, which is before the desert, by the way. But David abode in the wilderness, and he saw that Saul came after him into the wilderness.
ESV : And Saul encamped on the hill of Hachilah, which is beside the road on the east of Jeshimon. But David remained in the wilderness. When he saw that Saul came after him into the wilderness,
ERVEN : Saul set up his camp by the road at Hakilah Hill, across from Jeshimon. David was out in the desert and saw that Saul had come out into the desert after him.
MRV : तेव्हा त्याने काही हेर नेमले. त्यांच्याकडून त्याला शौल हकीला येथे आल्याचे समजले.
KJV : David therefore sent out spies, and understood that Saul was come in very deed.
YLT : and David sendeth spies, and knoweth that Saul hath come unto Nachon,
RV : David therefore sent out spies, and understood that Saul was come of a certainty.
RSV : David sent out spies, and learned of a certainty that Saul had come.
ASV : David therefore sent out spies, and understood that Saul was come of a certainty.
ESV : David sent out spies and learned that Saul had come.
ERVEN : So David sent out spies to know for certain that Saul had come after him again.
MRV : तेव्हा शौलच्या तळावरच तो गेला. शौल आणि अबनेर त्याला झोपलेले आढळले. (नेरचा मुलगा अबनेर हा शौलच्या सैन्याचा प्रमुख होता.) शौल मध्यभागी झोपलेला असून बाकी सर्वजण त्याच्याभोवती झोपलेले होते.
KJV : And David arose, and came to the place where Saul had pitched: and David beheld the place where Saul lay, and Abner the son of Ner, the captain of his host: and Saul lay in the trench, and the people pitched round about him.
YLT : and David riseth, and cometh in unto the place where Saul hath encamped, and David seeth the place where Saul hath lain, and Abner son of Ner, head of his host, and Saul is lying in the path, and the people are encamping round about him.
RV : And David arose, and came to the place where Saul had pitched: and David beheld the place where Saul lay, and Abner the son of Ner, the captain of his host: and Saul lay within the place of the wagons, and the people pitched round about him.
RSV : Then David rose and came to the place where Saul had encamped; and David saw the place where Saul lay, with Abner the son of Ner, the commander of his army; Saul was lying within the encampment, while the army was encamped around him.
ASV : And David arose, and came to the place where Saul had encamped; and David beheld the place where Saul lay, and Abner the son of Ner, the captain of his host: and Saul lay within the place of the wagons, and the people were encamped round about him.
ESV : Then David rose and came to the place where Saul had encamped. And David saw the place where Saul lay, with Abner the son of Ner, the commander of his army. Saul was lying within the encampment, while the army was encamped around him.
ERVEN : Then David went to where Saul had set up his camp. David saw where Saul and Abner were sleeping. (Abner son of Ner was the commander of Saul's army.) Saul was sleeping in the center of a circle of men that surrounded him.
MRV : दावीद हित्ती, अहीमलेख, आणि सरुवेचा मुलगा अहीशय यांच्याशी बोलला. (अबीशय हा यवाबचा भाऊ). या दोघांना दावीदाने विचारले, “माझ्याबरोबर शौलच्या तळावर यायला कोण तयार आहे”अबीशय म्हणाला, “मी येतो.”
KJV : Then answered David and said to Ahimelech the Hittite, and to Abishai the son of Zeruiah, brother to Joab, saying, Who will go down with me to Saul to the camp? And Abishai said, I will go down with thee.
YLT : And David answereth and saith unto Ahimelech the Hittite, and unto Abishai son of Zeruiah, brother of Joab, saying, `Who doth go down with me unto Saul, unto the camp?` and Abishai saith, `I -- I go down with thee.`
RV : Then answered David and said to Ahimelech the Hittite, and to Abishai the son of Zeruiah, brother to Joab, saying, Who will go down with me to Saul to the camp? And Abishai said, I will go down with thee.
RSV : Then David said to Ahimelech the Hittite, and to Joab's brother Abishai the son of Zeruiah, "Who will go down with me into the camp to Saul?" And Abishai said, "I will go down with you."
ASV : Then answered David and said to Ahimelech the Hittite, and to Abishai the son of Zeruiah, brother to Joab, saying, Who will go down with me to Saul to the camp? And Abishai said, I will go down with thee.
ESV : Then David said to Ahimelech the Hittite, and to Joab's brother Abishai the son of Zeruiah, "Who will go down with me into the camp to Saul?" And Abishai said, "I will go down with you."
ERVEN : David talked to Ahimelech the Hittite and Abishai son of Zeruiah. (Abishai was Joab's brother.) He asked them, "Who would like to go down into the camp with me after Saul?" Abishai answered, "I'll go with you."
MRV : रात्र झाली दावीद आणि अबीशय छावणीवर पोचले. शौल मध्यभागी झोपलेला होता. त्याचा भाला उशाकडे जमिनीत रोवलेला होता. अबनेर आणि इतर सैनिक भोवतली झोपलेले होते.
KJV : So David and Abishai came to the people by night: and, behold, Saul lay sleeping within the trench, and his spear stuck in the ground at his bolster: but Abner and the people lay round about him.
YLT : And David cometh -- and Abishai -- unto the people by night, and lo, Saul is lying sleeping in the path, and his spear struck into the earth at his pillow, and abner and the people are lying round about him.
RV : So David and Abishai came to the people by night: and, behold, Saul lay sleeping within the place of the wagons, with his spear stuck in the ground at his head: and Abner and the people lay round about him.
RSV : So David and Abishai went to the army by night; and there lay Saul sleeping within the encampment, with his spear stuck in the ground at his head; and Abner and the army lay around him.
ASV : So David and Abishai came to the people by night: and, behold, Saul lay sleeping within the place of the wagons, with his spear stuck in the ground at his head; and Abner and the people lay round about him.
ESV : So David and Abishai went to the army by night. And there lay Saul sleeping within the encampment, with his spear stuck in the ground at his head, and Abner and the army lay around him.
ERVEN : When night came, David and Abishai went into Saul's camp. Saul was asleep in the middle of the circle of men. His spear was stuck in the ground near his head. Abner and the other soldiers were asleep around Saul.
MRV : अबीशय दावीदला म्हणाला, “आज परमेश्वराने शुत्रला तुमच्या हवाली केले आहे. शौलच्याच भाल्याने मला त्याचा वध करु द्या. एकच वार मी करीन.”
KJV : Then said Abishai to David, God hath delivered thine enemy into thine hand this day: now therefore let me smite him, I pray thee, with the spear even to the earth at once, and I will not [smite] him the second time.
YLT : And Abishai saith unto David, `God hath shut up to-day thine enemy into thy hand; and, now, let me smite him, I pray thee, with a spear, even into the earth at once -- and I do repeat [it] to him.`
RV : Then said Abishai to David, God hath delivered up thine enemy into thine hand this day: now therefore let me smite him, I pray thee, with the spear to the earth at one stroke, and I will not smite him the second time.
RSV : Then said Abishai to David, "God has given your enemy into your hand this day; now therefore let me pin him to the earth with one stroke of the spear, and I will not strike him twice."
ASV : Then said Abishai to David, God hath delivered up thine enemy into thy hand this day: now therefore let me smite him, I pray thee, with the spear to the earth at one stroke, and I will not smite him the second time.
ESV : Then said Abishai to David, "God has given your enemy into your hand this day. Now please let me pin him to the earth with one stroke of the spear, and I will not strike him twice."
ERVEN : Abishai said to David, "Today God has given your enemy to you. Let me pin Saul to the ground with his spear. I'll only do it once!"
MRV : पण दावीद त्याला म्हणाला, “त्याला ठार करु नको. परमेश्वराच्या अभिष्किक्त राजावर हल्ला करणाऱ्याला देव प्रायाश्र्चित करील.
KJV : And David said to Abishai, Destroy him not: for who can stretch forth his hand against the LORD’S anointed, and be guiltless?
YLT : And David saith unto Abishai, `Destroy him not; for who hath put forth his hand against the anointed of Jehovah, and been acquitted?`
RV : And David said to Abishai, Destroy him not: for who can put forth his hand against the LORD-S anointed, and be guiltless?
RSV : But David said to Abishai, "Do not destroy him; for who can put forth his hand against the LORDS anointed, and be guiltless?"
ASV : And David said to Abishai, Destroy him not; for who can put forth his hand against Jehovahs anointed, and be guiltless?
ESV : But David said to Abishai, "Do not destroy him, for who can put out his hand against the LORD's anointed and be guiltless?"
ERVEN : But David said to Abishai, "Don't kill Saul! Anyone who hurts the Lord's chosen king must be punished.
MRV : परमेश्वराच्या जीविताची शपथ, तोच शौलला शासन करील. शौलला नैसर्गिक मृत्यू येईल किंवा युध्दात मरण येईल.
KJV : David said furthermore, [As] the LORD liveth, the LORD shall smite him; or his day shall come to die; or he shall descend into battle, and perish.
YLT : And David saith, `Jehovah liveth; except Jehovah doth smite him, or his day come that he hath died, or into battle he go down, and hath been consumed --
RV : And David said, As the LORD liveth, the LORD shall smite him; or his day shall come to die; or he shall go down into battle, and perish.
RSV : And David said, "As the LORD lives, the LORD will smite him; or his day shall come to die; or he shall go down into battle and perish.
ASV : And David said, As Jehovah liveth, Jehovah will smite him; or his day shall come to die; or he shall go down into battle and perish.
ESV : And David said, "As the LORD lives, the LORD will strike him, or his day will come to die, or he will go down into battle and perish.
ERVEN : As surely as the Lord lives, the Lord himself will punish Saul. Maybe Saul will die naturally or maybe he will be killed in battle.
MRV : पण परमेश्वराने निवडलेल्या राजाला मारायची वेळ परमेश्वर माझ्यावर आणणार नाही. तू फक्त त्याच्या उशाजवळचा भाला आणि पाण्याचा तांब्या उचल आणि मग आपण जाऊ”
KJV : The LORD forbid that I should stretch forth mine hand against the LORD’S anointed: but, I pray thee, take thou now the spear that [is] at his bolster, and the cruse of water, and let us go.
YLT : far be it from me, by Jehovah, from putting forth my hand against the anointed of Jehovah; and, now, take, I pray thee, the spear which [is] at his pillow, and the cruse of water, and we go away.`
RV : The LORD forbid that I should put forth mine hand against the LORD-S anointed: but now take, I pray thee, the spear that is at his head, and the cruse of water, and let us go.
RSV : The LORD forbid that I should put forth my hand against the LORDS anointed; but take now the spear that is at his head, and the jar of water, and let us go."
ASV : Jehovah forbid that I should put forth my hand against Jehovahs anointed: but now take, I pray thee, the spear that is at his head, and the cruse of water, and let us go.
ESV : The LORD forbid that I should put out my hand against the LORD's anointed. But take now the spear that is at his head and the jar of water, and let us go."
ERVEN : But I pray that the Lord never lets me hurt the Lord's chosen king. Now pick up the spear and water jug by Saul's head, then let's go."
MRV : तेवढा भाला आणि पाण्याचा तांब्या घेऊन दावीद आणि अबीशय छावणीबाहेर पडले. घडलेली गोष्ट कोणालाही समजली नाही. कोणी पाहिले नाही. कोणी जागे झाले नाही. परमेश्वरामुळेच सर्वजण गाढ झोपेच्या अमलाखाली होते.
KJV : So David took the spear and the cruse of water from Saul’s bolster; and they gat them away, and no man saw [it,] nor knew [it,] neither awaked: for they [were] all asleep; because a deep sleep from the LORD was fallen upon them.
YLT : And David taketh the spear, and the cruse of water at the pillow of Saul, and they go away, and there is none seeing, and there is none knowing, and there is none awaking, for all of them are sleeping, for a deep sleep [from] Jehovah hath fallen upon them.
RV : So David took the spear and the cruse of water from Saul-s head; and they gat them away, and no man saw it, nor knew it, neither did any awake: for they were all asleep; because a deep sleep from the LORD was fallen upon them.
RSV : So David took the spear and the jar of water from Saul's head; and they went away. No man saw it, or knew it, nor did any awake; for they were all asleep, because a deep sleep from the LORD had fallen upon them.
ASV : So David took the spear and the cruse of water from Sauls head; and they gat them away: and no man saw it, nor knew it, neither did any awake; for they were all asleep, because a deep sleep from Jehovah was fallen upon them.
ESV : So David took the spear and the jar of water from Saul's head, and they went away. No man saw it or knew it, nor did any awake, for they were all asleep, because a deep sleep from the LORD had fallen upon them.
ERVEN : So David took the spear and water jug that were near Saul's head, and then David and Abishai left Saul's camp. No one knew what had happened. No one saw it. No one even woke up. Saul and all of his soldiers slept because the Lord had put them into a deep sleep.
MRV : दावीद नंतर खोरे ओलांडून पलीकडे गेला. शौलच्या छावणी समोरच्या डोंगर माथ्यावर तो उभा राहिला. दावीद आणि शौल यांच्या छावण्यांमध्ये बरेच अंतर होते.
KJV : Then David went over to the other side, and stood on the top of an hill afar off; a great space [being] between them:
YLT : And David passeth over to the other side, and standeth on the top of the hill afar off -- great [is] the place between them;
RV : Then David went over to the other side, and stood on the top of the mountain afar off; a great space being between them:
RSV : Then David went over to the other side, and stood afar off on the top of the mountain, with a great space between them;
ASV : Then David went over to the other side, and stood on the top of the mountain afar off; a great space being between them;
ESV : Then David went over to the other side and stood far off on the top of the hill, with a great space between them.
ERVEN : David crossed over to the other side of the valley. He stood on top of the mountain across the valley from Saul's camp. David and Saul's camp were far apart.
MRV : दावीदाने तेथून सैन्याला आणि अबनेरला हाका मारल्या. “अबनेर, ओ दे” असा पुकारा केला.अबनेर म्हणाला, “तू कोण आहेस? राजाला हाका मारणारा तू कोण?”
KJV : And David cried to the people, and to Abner the son of Ner, saying, Answerest thou not, Abner? Then Abner answered and said, Who [art] thou [that] criest to the king?
YLT : and David calleth unto the people, and unto Abner son of Ner, saying, `Dost thou not answer, Abner?` and Abner answereth and saith, `Who [art] thou [who] hast called unto the king?`
RV : and David cried to the people, and to Abner the son of Ner, saving, Answerest thou not, Abner? Then Abner answered and said, Who art thou that criest to the king?
RSV : and David called to the army, and to Abner the son of Ner, saying, "Will you not answer, Abner?" Then Abner answered, "Who are you that calls to the king?"
ASV : and David cried to the people, and to Abner the son of Ner, saying, Answerest thou not, Abner? Then Abner answered and said, Who art thou that criest to the king?
ESV : And David called to the army, and to Abner the son of Ner, saying, "Will you not answer, Abner?" Then Abner answered, "Who are you who calls to the king?"
ERVEN : David shouted to the army and to Abner son of Ner, "Answer me, Abner!" Abner answered, "Who are you? Why are you calling the king?"
MRV : दावीद म्हणाला, “तू मर्द आहेस ना? इस्राएल मध्ये तुझ्या तोडीचा दुसरा कोणी आहे का? मग तू आपल्या धन्याचे रक्षण कसे केले नाहीस? एक सामान्य माणूस तुमच्या छावणीत शिरतो, धन्याला, राजाला मारायला येतो.
KJV : And David said to Abner, [Art] not thou a [valiant] man? and who [is] like to thee in Israel? wherefore then hast thou not kept thy lord the king? for there came one of the people in to destroy the king thy lord.
YLT : And David saith unto Abner, `Art not thou a man? and who [is] like thee in Israel? but why hast thou not watched over thy lord the king? for one of the people had come in to destroy the king, thy lord.
RV : And David said to Abner, Art not thou a {cf15i valiant} man? and who is like thee in Israel? wherefore then hast thou not kept watch over thy lord the king? for there came one of the people in to destroy the king thy lord.
RSV : And David said to Abner, "Are you not a man? Who is like you in Israel? Why then have you not kept watch over your lord the king? For one of the people came in to destroy the king your lord.
ASV : And David said to Abner, Art not thou a valiant man? and who is like to thee in Israel? wherefore then hast thou not kept watch over thy lord the king? for there came one of the people in to destroy the king thy lord.
ESV : And David said to Abner, "Are you not a man? Who is like you in Israel? Why then have you not kept watch over your lord the king? For one of the people came in to destroy the king your lord.
ERVEN : David said, "You are an important man, aren't you? You are better than any other man in Israel. Is that right? So why didn't you guard your master, the king? An ordinary man came into your camp to kill your master, the king.
MRV : आणि तुम्ही गाफील राहण्याची चूक करता. परमेश्वराच्या जीविताची शपथ, तुम्ही मृत्युदंडाला पात्र आहात. परमेश्वराच्या अभिषिक राजाला, तुमच्या स्वामीला तुम्ही संरक्षण देऊ शकत नाही. शौलच्या उशालगतचा भाला आणि पाण्याचा तांब्या याचा शोध घ्या बरे! कुठे आहेत या वस्तू?”
KJV : This thing [is] not good that thou hast done. [As] the LORD liveth, ye [are] worthy to die, because ye have not kept your master, the LORD’S anointed. And now see where the king’s spear is, and the cruse of water that [was] at his bolster.
YLT : Not good is this thing which thou hast done; Jehovah liveth, but ye [are] sons of death, in that ye have not watched over your lord, over the anointed of Jehovah; and now, see where the king's spear [is], and the cruse of water which [is] at his bolster.`
RV : This thing is not good that thou hast done. As the LORD liveth, ye are worthy to die, because ye have not kept watch over your lord, the LORD-S anointed. And now, see, where the king-s spear is, and the cruse of water that was at his head.
RSV : This thing that you have done is not good. As the LORD lives, you deserve to die, because you have not kept watch over your lord, the LORDS anointed. And now see where the king's spear is, and the jar of water that was at his head."
ASV : This thing is not good that thou hast done. As Jehovah liveth, ye are worthy to die, because ye have not kept watch over your lord, Jehovahs anointed. And now see where the kings spear is, and the cruse of water that was at his head.
ESV : This thing that you have done is not good. As the LORD lives, you deserve to die, because you have not kept watch over your lord, the LORD's anointed. And now see where the king's spear is and the jar of water that was at his head."
ERVEN : You made a big mistake. As surely as the Lord is alive, you and your men should die, because you didn't protect your master, the Lord's chosen king. Look for the king's spear and the water jug that was near Saul's head. Where are they?"
MRV : शौलला दावीदचा आवाज ओळखू आला. तो म्हणाला, “दावीद मुला, तुझाच का हा आवाज?”दावीद म्हणाला, “स्वामी मीच बोलतोय.”
KJV : And Saul knew David’s voice, and said, [Is] this thy voice, my son David? And David said, [It is] my voice, my lord, O king.
YLT : And Saul discerneth the voice of David, and saith, `Is this thy voice, my son David?` and David saith, `My voice, my lord, O king!`
RV : And Saul knew David-s voice, and said, Is this thy voice, my son David? And David said, It is my voice, my lord, O king.
RSV : Saul recognized David's voice, and said, "Is this your voice, my son David?" And David said, "It is my voice, my lord, O king."
ASV : And Saul knew Davids voice, and said, Is this thy voice, my son David? And David said, It is my voice, my lord, O king.
ESV : Saul recognized David's voice and said, "Is this your voice, my son David?" And David said, "It is my voice, my lord, O king."
ERVEN : Saul knew David's voice and said, "Is that your voice, David my son?" David answered, "Yes, it is my voice, my master and king.
MRV : तो पुढे म्हणाला, “धनी, तुम्ही माझा पाठलाग का करत आहात? मी काय केले? माझा अपराध कोणता?
KJV : And he said, Wherefore doth my lord thus pursue after his servant? for what have I done? or what evil [is] in mine hand?
YLT : and he saith, `Why [is] this -- my lord is pursuing after his servant? for what have I done, and what [is] in my hand evil?
RV : And he said, Wherefore doth my lord pursue after his servant? for what have I done? or what evil is in mine hand?
RSV : And he said, "Why does my lord pursue after his servant? For what have I done? What guilt is on my hands?
ASV : And he said, Wherefore doth my lord pursue after his servant? for what have I done? or what evil is in my hand?
ESV : And he said, "Why does my lord pursue after his servant? For what have I done? What evil is on my hands?
ERVEN : Sir, why are you chasing me? What wrong have I done? What am I guilty of?
MRV : राजेसाहेब, माझे ऐका. तुमच्या माझ्यावरील क्रोधाचे कारण परमेश्वर असेल तर तो माझ्या अर्पणाचा स्वीकार करील. पण माणसांनी तुम्हाला माझ्याविरुद्ध भडकवले असेल तर परमेश्वर त्यांचा सत्यानाश करो. या लोकांमुळेच मला परमेश्वराने दिलेल्या भूमीतून काढता पाय घ्यावा लागला. “दुसऱ्या कुठल्या परमेश्वराची उपासना कर, इथून चालता हो” असे यांनीच मला सांगितले.
KJV : Now therefore, I pray thee, let my lord the king hear the words of his servant. If the LORD have stirred thee up against me, let him accept an offering: but if [they be] the children of men, cursed [be] they before the LORD; for they have driven me out this day from abiding in the inheritance of the LORD, saying, Go, serve other gods.
YLT : And, now, let, I pray thee, my lord the king hear the words of his servant: if Jehovah hath moved thee against me, let Him accept a present; and if the sons of men -- cursed [are] they before Jehovah, for they have cast me out to-day from being admitted into the inheritance of Jehovah, saying, Go, serve other gods.
RV : Now therefore, I pray thee, let my lord the king hear the words of his servant. If it be the LORD that hath stirred thee up against me, let him accept an offering: but if it be the children of men, cursed be they before the LORD; for they have driven me out this day that I should not cleave unto the inheritance of the LORD, saying, Go, serve other gods.
RSV : Now therefore let my lord the king hear the words of his servant. If it is the LORD who has stirred you up against me, may he accept an offering; but if it is men, may they be cursed before the LORD, for they have driven me out this day that I should have no share in the heritage of the LORD, saying, `Go, serve other gods.'
ASV : Now therefore, I pray thee, let my lord the king hear the words of his servant. If it be Jehovah that hath stirred thee up against me, let him accept an offering: but if it be the children of men, cursed be they before Jehovah: for they have driven me out this day that I should not cleave unto the inheritance of Jehovah, saying, Go, serve other gods.
ESV : Now therefore let my lord the king hear the words of his servant. If it is the LORD who has stirred you up against me, may he accept an offering, but if it is men, may they be cursed before the LORD, for they have driven me out this day that I should have no share in the heritage of the LORD, saying, 'Go, serve other gods.'
ERVEN : My master and king, listen to me. If the Lord caused you to be angry with me, let him accept an offering. But if men caused you to be angry with me, I ask the Lord to curse them because they forced me to leave the land that the Lord gave me and told me to go serve other gods.
MRV : आता मरताना तरी परमेश्वराचे सान्निध्य मला लाभू द्या. इस्राएलचा राजा तर जणू क्षुल्लक पिसवेच्या शिकारीला निघालाय. डोंगरात तितराची पारध करतोय!
KJV : Now therefore, let not my blood fall to the earth before the face of the LORD: for the king of Israel is come out to seek a flea, as when one doth hunt a partridge in the mountains.
YLT : `And now, let not my blood fall to the earth over-against the face of Jehovah, for the king of Israel hath come out to seek one flea, as [one] pursueth the partridge in mountains.`
RV : Now therefore, let not my blood fall to the earth away from the presence of the LORD: for the king of Israel is come out to seek a flea, as when one doth hunt a partridge in the mountains.
RSV : Now therefore, let not my blood fall to the earth away from the presence of the LORD; for the king of Israel has come out to seek my life, like one who hunts a partridge in the mountains."
ASV : Now therefore, let not my blood fall to the earth away from the presence of Jehovah: for the king of Israel is come out to seek a flea, as when one doth hunt a partridge in the mountains.
ESV : Now therefore, let not my blood fall to the earth away from the presence of the LORD, for the king of Israel has come out to seek a single flea like one who hunts a partridge in the mountains."
ERVEN : Now don't make me die far away from the Lord's presence. The king of Israel has come out looking for a flea. You are like a man hunting partridges in the mountains."
MRV : यावर शौल म्हणाला, “मी पापी आहे. तू परत ये. दावीद, माझ्या मुला, माझ्या जिवाचे तुला मोल वाटते हे तू तुझ्या कृतीतून आज दाखवले आहेस तेव्हा आता तुला मी उपद्रव देणार नाही. मी अविचाराने वागलो. फार मोठी चूक केली.”
KJV : Then said Saul, I have sinned: return, my son David: for I will no more do thee harm, because my soul was precious in thine eyes this day: behold, I have played the fool, and have erred exceedingly.
YLT : And Saul saith, `I have sinned; turn back, my son David, for I do evil to thee no more, because that my soul hath been precious in thine eyes this day; lo, I have acted foolishly, and do err very greatly.`
RV : Then said Saul, I have sinned: return, my son David: for I will no more do thee harm, because my life was precious in thine eyes this day: behold, I have played the fool, and have erred exceedingly.
RSV : Then Saul said, "I have done wrong; return, my son David, for I will no more do you harm, because my life was precious in your eyes this day; behold, I have played the fool, and have erred exceedingly."
ASV : Then said Saul, I have sinned: return, my son David; for I will no more do thee harm, because my life was precious in thine eyes this day: behold, I have played the fool, and have erred exceedingly.
ESV : Then Saul said, "I have sinned. Return, my son David, for I will no more do you harm, because my life was precious in your eyes this day. Behold, I have acted foolishly, and have made a great mistake."
ERVEN : Then Saul said, "David, my son! I have sinned. Come back. Today you showed me that my life is important to you, so I won't try to hurt you. I have acted foolishly. I have made a big mistake."
MRV : दावीद त्याला म्हणाला, “हा राजाचा भाला इथे आहे. तुमच्यापैकी एखाद्या सेवकाने येऊन घेऊन जावा.
KJV : And David answered and said, Behold the king’s spear! and let one of the young men come over and fetch it.
YLT : And David answereth and saith, `Lo, the king's spear; and let one of the young men pass over, and receive it;
RV : And David answered and said, Behold the spear, O king! let then one of the young men come over and fetch it.
RSV : And David made answer, "Here is the spear, O king! Let one of the young men come over and fetch it.
ASV : And David answered and said, Behold the spear, O king! let then one of the young men come over and fetch it.
ESV : And David answered and said, "Here is the spear, O king! Let one of the young men come over and take it.
ERVEN : David answered, "Here is the king's spear. Let one of your young men come here and get it.
MRV : आपल्या करणीचे फळ परमेश्वर आपल्याला देतो. आपल्या योग्य वागण्याचे बक्षीस मिळते, तसंच चुकीचीही शिक्षा भोगावी लागाते. तुझा पराभव करायची संधी आज मला परमेश्वराने दिली होती. पण परमेश्वराच्या अभिषिक्त राजाला मी इजा पोचू दिली नाही.
KJV : The LORD render to every man his righteousness and his faithfulness: for the LORD delivered thee into [my] hand to day, but I would not stretch forth mine hand against the LORD’S anointed.
YLT : and Jehovah doth turn back to each his righteousness and his faithfulness, in that Jehovah hath given thee to-day into [my] hand, and I have not been willing to put forth my hand against the anointed of Jehovah,
RV : And the LORD shall render to every man his righteousness and his faithfulness: forasmuch as the LORD delivered thee into my hand today, and I would not put forth mine hand against the LORD-S anointed.
RSV : The LORD rewards every man for his righteousness and his faithfulness; for the LORD gave you into my hand today, and I would not put forth my hand against the LORDS anointed.
ASV : And Jehovah will render to every man his righteousness and his faithfulness; forasmuch as Jehovah delivered thee into my hand to-day, and I would not put forth my hand against Jehovahs anointed.
ESV : The LORD rewards every man for his righteousness and his faithfulness, for the LORD gave you into my hand today, and I would not put out my hand against the LORD's anointed.
ERVEN : The Lord pays every man for what he does—he rewards him if he does right, and he punishes him if he does wrong. The Lord gave you to me today, but I wouldn't hurt his chosen king.
MRV : तुझ्या आयुष्याचे मला किती महत्व वाटते ते मी आज दाखवले. तसाच माझा जीव परमेश्वराला मोलाचा वाटतो हे तो दाखवून देईल. तो माझी संकटातून मुक्तता करील.”
KJV : And, behold, as thy life was much set by this day in mine eyes, so let my life be much set by in the eyes of the LORD, and let him deliver me out of all tribulation.
YLT : and lo, as thy soul hath been great this day in mine eyes, so is my soul great in the eyes of Jehovah, and He doth deliver me out of all distress.`
RV : And, behold, as thy life was much set by this day in mine eyes, so let my life be much set by in the eyes of the LORD, and let him deliver me out of all tribulation.
RSV : Behold, as your life was precious this day in my sight, so may my life be precious in the sight of the LORD, and may he deliver me out of all tribulation."
ASV : And, behold, as thy life was much set by this day in mine eyes, so let my life be much set by in the eyes of Jehovah, and let him deliver me out of all tribulation.
ESV : Behold, as your life was precious this day in my sight, so may my life be precious in the sight of the LORD, and may he deliver me out of all tribulation."
ERVEN : Today I showed you that your life is important to me. In the same way the Lord will show that my life is important to him. He will save me from every trouble."
MRV : तेव्हा दावीदला शौल म्हणाला, “देव तुझे कल्याण करो. दावीद, माझ्या मुला, तुझ्या हातून मोठी कार्ये होतील आणि तू यशस्वी होशील.”मग दावीद आपल्या मार्गाने गेला आणि शौल स्वगृही आला.
KJV : Then Saul said to David, Blessed [be] thou, my son David: thou shalt both do great things, and also shalt still prevail. So David went on his way, and Saul returned to his place.
YLT : And Saul saith unto David, `Blessed [art] thou, my son David, also working thou dost work, and also prevailing thou dost prevail.` And David goeth on his way, and Saul hath turned back to his place.
RV : Then Saul said to David, Blessed be thou, my son David: thou shalt both do mightily, and shalt surely prevail. So David went his way, and Saul returned to his place.
RSV : Then Saul said to David, "Blessed be you, my son David! You will do many things and will succeed in them." So David went his way, and Saul returned to his place.
ASV : Then Saul said to David, Blessed be thou, my son David: thou shalt both do mightily, and shalt surely prevail. So David went his way, and Saul returned to his place.
ESV : Then Saul said to David, "Blessed be you, my son David! You will do many things and will succeed in them." So David went his way, and Saul returned to his place.
ERVEN : Then Saul said to David, "God bless you, David my son. You will do great things and you will win." David went on his way, and Saul went back home.

